Build Websites & Apps Like a Pro with our Full Stack Developer

Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with our expert-crafted 9+ extensive online courses.

We build our courses with Industry Leaders

Key Highlights

We are proud to present the success of our Full Stack Coder Launchapad

2 Lakh+

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Enroll for Full Stack Developer

Establish clear business outcomes, elevate your skills, and get hired. We are offering an extensive and conventional stack of professional courses.
Module 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development
  • Overview of web development
  • Roles and responsibilities of a full stack developer
  • Introduction to front-end and back-end technologies
  • Setting up a development environment
Module 2: HTML and CSS
  • HTML5 basics and advanced concepts
  • CSS3 fundamentals
  • Responsive design with CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Preprocessors: SASS and LESS
Module 3: JavaScript and Front-End Frameworks
  • JavaScript fundamentals
  • ES6 and beyond (modern JavaScript features)
  • DOM manipulation and event handling
  • AJAX and Fetch API
  • Introduction to front-end frameworks/libraries: React, Angular, or Vue.js
    • React: JSX, components, state, and props
    • Angular: Modules, components, services, and dependency injection
    • Vue.js: Directives, components, and Vue CLI
Module 4: Version Control with Git and GitHub
  • Git basics: init, clone, commit, push, pull
  • Branching and merging strategies
  • Collaborating on projects using GitHub
  • Best practices for version control
Module 5: Back-End Development
  • Introduction to server-side programming
  • Node.js fundamentals
  • Express.js framework
  • RESTful API design and development
  • Authentication and authorization (JWT, OAuth)
Module 6: Databases
  • SQL databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
    • Database design and normalization
    • Writing queries and stored procedures
  • NoSQL databases: MongoDB
    • Collections, documents, and schema design
    • CRUD operations
Module 7: Advanced JavaScript
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, async/await
  • Advanced concepts: closures, prototypes, and inheritance
  • Working with modules and build tools (Webpack, Babel)
Module 8: Full Stack Project
  • Setting up the project structure
  • Integrating front-end with back-end
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization
  • CRUD operations with database integration
  • Error handling and logging
Module 9: DevOps and Deployment
  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Containerization with Docker
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
  • Deployment on cloud platforms: AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean
  • Monitoring and scaling applications
Module 10: Testing and Debugging
  • Unit testing with frameworks like Jest or Mocha
  • End-to-end testing with tools like Cypress or Selenium
  • Debugging techniques and tools
  • Test-driven development (TDD) practices
Google Analytics

Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing training module, you will learn how to use the
google analytics tool, analysis of data and report generation.


8.1 Introduction to Google Analytics
8.2 How to set up Analytics Account
8.3 Google Analytics Dashboard
8.4 Goals and Conversions
8.5 How to set up Goals?
8.6 Types of Goals
8.7 Bounce Rate
8.8 How to Integrate Ads and Analytics account?
8.9 How to set up Filters?
8.10 How to view customized reports?
8.11 Traffic Sources/Channels
8.12 Traffic Behavioural flow


Hands-On Demo : Report Generation

Search Engine Marketing / Google ads(Formerly Adwords)

Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing training module, you will learn how to use the
google analytics tool, analysis of data and report generation.


9.1 Introduction to Google Ads & PPC Advertising
9.2 Setting up a Google Ads Account
9.3 Ads Dashboard
9.4 Key Terms in Ads – PPC, Bidding, Ad Rank, Quality Score, CTR
9.5 How does Ads rank Ads?
9.6 How does bidding work?
9.7 Importance of Quality Score
9.8 Creating Good Landing Pages
9.9 Types of Campaigns
9.10 Creating Search Campaigns.
9.11 Location Targeting.
9.12 Different types of Location Targeting.
9.13 Different types of bid strategies – Manual and Auto.
9.14 Advanced bid strategies – Enhanced CPC CPA.
9.15 Ad-extensions & Types of Ad-Extensions.
9.16 Adding Ad-Extensions in Campaigns.
9.17 Creating Ad Groups.
9.18 Targeted keywords.
9.19 Finding relevant keywords, Adding keywords in ad-group.
9.20 Types of keywords, Phrase, exact, broad & negative.
9.21 Creating ads – Display & destination URL.
9.22 Tracking Performance/Conversion.
9.23 Importance of CTR in optimization & How to increase CTR.
9.24 How to increase quality score.
9.25 Importance of negative keywords in optimization
9.26 Evaluating campaign stats.
9.27 Creating Display Campaign.
9.28 Types of display campaigns- All features, Mobile app, Remarketing, Engagement.
9.29 The difference in Search & Display Campaign Settings.
9.30 Ad-scheduling & Ad-delivery.
9.31 Ads placement.
9.32 Remarketing.
9.33 Setting up Remarketing Campaign.
9.34 Creating Remarketing Lists.
9.35 Custom Audience.


Hands-On Demo : Google Ads Account Setup and Management

Social Media Management : (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube)

Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing training module, you will learn how to use Social
media for your Digital Marketing to create a business page, ad pages, accounts and Usage.


10.1 Facebook Business/Brand Page Creation Week-4
10.2 Instagram user profile Creation & Business account Creation
10.3 LinkedIn Company Page Creation, Layout Groups and Articles
10.4 Importance of Twitter in building a brand & business
10.5 Youtube Page Creation and Optimisation
10.6 Content Strategy for the above social media account.


Hands-On/Demo : Brand Page Account Creation and Optimisation

Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing training module, you will learn how to gain organic
traffic on Facebook & Instagram and run paid ads on these platforms.


11.1 Introduction to Facebook and Instagram
11.2 Business Manager and Ad Account Creation
11.3 Type of Ads and its importance
11.4 Facebook Ad Library
11.5 Ad Creation on Awareness (Brand Awareness, Reach)
11.6 Ad Creation on Consideration (Traffic, Engagement, App Installs, Video Views, Lead
Generation. Message)
11.7 Ad Creation on Conversions (Conversions, Catalog Sales, Store Traffic)
11.8 Facebook pixel and tracking
11.9 Custom Audience & Look Alike Audience
11.10 Creating Reports


Hands-On/Demo : Facebook campaign setup and Execution
Tools : Facebook & Instagram
Certifications : Social Media Certification

Email Marketing

12.1 What is E-mail Marketing?
12.2 How is E-mail Marketing Important in Digital Marketing?
12.3 Why E-mail Marketing?


Hands-On Demo : Email Campaign Setup and Execution

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing module, you will learn critical online reputation that
reflects your overall brand and business health and is a leading indicator of future potential growth
and success.


13.1 Importance of Online Reputation Management
13.2 Why Online Reputation Management Matters
13.3 Online Reputation Management Steps
13.4 Be Prepared
13.5 Search Yourself – Set Google Alerts
13.6 Define Spokesperson & Channel
13.7 List The Possible Risks
13.8 Tracking and monitoring
13.9 Brand Monitoring
13.10 Buy Your Negative Keyword Domain Name
13.11 Create A Presence On Any And All Relevant Web Properties
13.12 Don’t Neglect Your Social Media Accounts
13.13 Blog
13.14 Listen
13.15 Apologize
13.16 Make The Investment

Affiliate Marketing

Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing module, you will learn about the Affiliate Marketing
Account Setup and Monetisation.


14.1 Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
14.2 affiliate Marketing Platforms
14.3 Enrolling in an Affiliate Marketing Program
14.4 Tips and tricks to improve affiliate Marketing
14.5 Types of Affiliate Marketing
14.6 Setting Up affiliate Marketing Program


Hands-On Demo : Google Ads Account Setup and Management


Learning Objective : In this Digital Marketing module, you will learn about the freelancing and its


15.1 What Is Freelancing?
15.2 Checklists To Start Freelancing
15.3 How To Start Freelancing?
15.4 Pros & Cons
15.5 Best Five Freelance Sites
15.6 Successful Freelancers
15.7 Become a Successful Freelancer
15.8 Benefits Of Freelancing


Hands-On Demo : Google Ads Account Setup and Management

Program Highlights

Here’s how you will learn

The courses are designed specially for beginners
  • Pick courses that you would like to explore

    Learn from 9+ in-demand courses; pick the one that interests you.

  • Learn LIVE directly from industry experts

    Our Captains work with top brands and are here to train and guide you to work with brands just like them.

  • Work on Industry- ready Projects

    Learn Live, complete milestones, and get real-world practical experience

  • Unlock Certificates & Internship Opportunities

    Boost your chances for internships by adding certificates to your resume

Tools Covered

Projects You Work On


Fintech Sector

Create dynamic and responsive online banking web applications to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money between accounts.


Food Delivery Services

Create food delivery apps using MERN stack. Apply the skills you have learned to solve problems that the food delivery industry faces today.


Entertainment app

Create applications for the entertainment industry using your knowledge and skills in back-end technology, API development, HTML, and CSS.

Prodigiter's Advance Digital Marketing Certification

Build credibility with Prodigiter’s coveted certificate. Our industry-recognized certification helps you make your place in leading MNCs.

Application Process


Fill the application form

Apply by filling a simple online application form.


Interview Process

Go through a screening call with the Admission Director’s office.


Join program

An offer letter will be rolled out to the select few candidates. Secure your seat by paying the admission fee.

Upcoming Application Deadline

Our admissions close once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming batch . Apply early to secure your seats.

Deadline: 4th-july

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Full Stack Developer?
A Full Stack Developer is a professional who is proficient in both front-end and back-end development. They are capable of handling all aspects of a web application, including the server, database, and user interface.
What will I learn in a Full Stack Developer course?

A Full Stack Developer course typically covers:

  • Front-end technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • Back-end technologies: Node.js, Express.js, Django, Ruby on Rails.
  • Databases: SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB).
  • Version control: Git and GitHub.
  • Deployment and DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines.
  • Additional skills: RESTful APIs, authentication, testing, and debugging.
What are the prerequisites for enrolling in a Full Stack Developer course?

Prerequisites can vary, but generally include:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with at least one programming language.
  • Understanding of web development concepts and basic database knowledge is beneficial.
How long does it take to complete a Full Stack Developer course?
The duration of a Full Stack Developer course can vary widely, from intensive bootcamps that last 3 months to more comprehensive programs that can take up to a year or more. Self-paced courses may also be available, allowing learners to progress at their own speed.
What career opportunities are available after completing a Full Stack Developer course?

Graduates can pursue various roles such as:

  • Full Stack Developer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Technical Lead
Do I need a degree to become a Full Stack Developer?
No, a formal degree is not mandatory to become a Full Stack Developer. Many successful developers come from non-traditional backgrounds. However, having a degree in Computer Science or a related field can be beneficial. What matters most are the skills and practical experience.
How important is it to learn both front-end and back-end development?

Learning both front-end and back-end development is crucial for a Full Stack Developer as it allows for a comprehensive understanding of how web applications function end-to-end. This versatility makes full stack developers highly valuable and capable of working on all parts of a project.

Will I get a certificate after completing the Full Stack Developer course?
Yes, most Full Stack Developer courses offer a certificate of completion. This certificate can be a valuable addition to your resume and LinkedIn profile, demonstrating your skills and commitment to potential employers.

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